vitor grilo silva
Vitor Grilo Silva (Évora, Portugal 1993)

i'm a transdisciplinary researcher artist interested in the interseccions between language, reality, culture

poster (variable size)
digital print

Related at a theoretical level to Un conocimiento por el montaje by Georges Didi-Huberman, {vhekpub} proposes to delve into the idea of word spatialization. It aims to generate a reflection around the processes of formation, creation or emergence of words, as well as their compositional specificities.

Starting from the spatial distribution of a series of seven letters, carried out by six people across six different countries - Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands, England and USA - and assuming the notion of permutation as the core of the project, the idea of ​​listing all the possible arrangements of these seven letters is superimposed on the project's initial intention of composing a (new) single word out of these. A list of 5040 possible words is then obtained applying a permutative calculation [7P7 = 7!] to the set in question.

The reading of the resulting list is executed by a text-to-speech conversion software, to subsequently generate a sound album that mechanically recites the 5040 words.